How to have more than 250,000 contributions to GitHub in 10 years?

Contributing to a better Open Source Community

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During 10 years, I have been working across the GitHub platform for a splendid time. Working with Big Data means a bunch of information that will make a future dataset, or several datasets. There are many projects I have been working during these past 10 years, but most of them are related to Big Data. Now, it's time for a 10 year-review.

Total Contributions and Streaks until now:

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In the beginning, I started in 2012 working with GitHub for my Computer Science and Engineering courses at IST. The time flies, but the purpose remains the same: improve my coding quality and efficiency. Not sure if I have succeeded… Well, I am trying my best!

Two years later, I already had more than 500 commits. Yet, this is a tiny increase for now since I was only working on my course projects. From 2015 to 2019, my average number of commits was 1000 commits per year. However, in 2020 I started finally working in countless Big Data projects mainly. According to this year, the number of commits was 20,000 commits in just one year. The reason is simple, I started committing the bunch of medical data we have that time. As you might have an idea, medical data have many and many files to commit. Making me exponentially increase my contributions to the GitHub community. In 2021, I did more than 120,000 commits. Finally, in 2022 I already have more than 270,000 commits.

Well, you may ask:

Are there any limits for commits and storage size?

The answer is simple: Yes! But we can try to tweak the thing.